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Barrett, Frank J./Fry, Ronald E.: Appreciative Inquiry. A Positive Approach to Building Cooperative Capacity, Taos NM: Taos Institute Publications, 2005

zur Bonsen, Matthias / Maleh, Carole: Appreciative Inquiry. Der Weg zu Spitzenleistungen, Beltz-Verlag 2001

Cooperrider, David L./Whitney, Diana L./Stavros, Jaqueline M.(Hrsg.): Appreciative Inquiry Handbook, San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler 2004

Cooperrider, David L./Whitney, Diana L.: Appreciative Inquiry. A Positive Revolution in Change, San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler 2005

Cooperrider, David L./Sorensen, Peter F./Whitney, Diana (Hrsg.): Appreciative Inquiry. Rethinking Human Organization Toward a Positive Theory of Change. Stipes Publishing, Champaign, Illinois 2000

Cooperrider, David al.: The Appreciative Organization, 2001

Elliott, Charles: Locating the Energy for Change. An Introduction to Appreciative Inquiry. International Institute for Sustainable Development., Canada 1999

Fry, Ronald E./Barrett, Frank J./Seiling, J./Whitney, Diana (Hrsg.) Appreciative Inquiry and Organizational Transformation: Reports from the Field, Quorum Books 2001

Hammond, Sue: The Thin Book of Appreciative Inquiry, Thin Book Publishing Co., Plano TX 1998 (Eine kurze Einführung, schon 75.000 mal verkauft)

Hammond, Sue/Royal, Cathy (Hrsg.): Lessons from the Field, Applying Appriciative Inquiry, Practical Press Inc., Plano TX 1998

Mettler-von Meiboom, Barbara: Wertschätzung, Kösel 2006

Miller, Carolyn J. et al., The Nonprofit's Guide to the Power of Appreciative Inquiry, Community Development Institute, 2003

Mohr, Bernard J./Watkins Jane M.: Appreciative Inquiry. Change at the Speed of Imagination. Pfeiffer & Co., 2001

Ricketts, Miriam/Willis, Jim: Appreciative Inquiry and Experiential Learning, 2001

Schiller, Marge et al.: Appreciative Leadership, 2001

Thatchenkery, Tojo, Appreciative Sharing of Knowledge: Leveraging Knowledge Management for Strategic Organizational Change, 2004

Whitney, Diana L. und Amanda Trosten-Bloom, The Power of Appreciative Inquiry. A Practical Guide to Positive Change, Berrett-Koehler 2002

Whitney, Diana L. et al., Encyclopedia of Positive Questions, Lakeshore Communications 2001



zur Bonsen, Matthias , Erfolge erfragen - Das Interview im Appreciative Inquiry-Prozess, in: managerSeminare April 2002, S. 70 - 77

Maleh, Carole, Aus Erfolgen lernen: Appreciative Inquiry, Zeitschrift für Organisationsentwicklung, 2001

zur Bonsen, Matthias, Appreciative Inquiry. Auf dem Besten aufbauen, in: BSO-Journal 2/2005, S. 14


Speziell zu Appreciative Inquiry Summits - der Grossgruppen-Anwendung von AI

Bruck, Walter und Matthias zur Bonsen, Energie für den Wandel: Appreciative Inquiry Summits, in: Management-Berater, Januar 2000, S. 50

Cooperrider, David L., Ressources for Getting Appreciative Inquiry Started: An Example OD Proposal, in: OD Practitioner 1/1996 S. 23-33

Ludema, James D./Mohr, Bernard J./Whitney, Diana L. und Thomas J. Griffin, Appreciative Inquiry Summits. A Practitioner's Guide for Leading Large-Group Change, Berrett-Koehler 2003 (aus unserer Sicht das beste Buch zu AI Summits)

Hammond, Sue Annis und Cathy Royal (Hrsg.), Lessons from the Field. Applying Appreciative Inquiry, Plano TX: Practical Press Inc 1998

Ludema, James, Conny Fuller und Thomas Griffin. Appreciative Future Search: Involving the Whole System in Positive Organization Change, in: OD Journal, Volume 18, no. 2, Summer 2000, S. 29-41

Spector, Helen, Ray Bradburn und Susan Dupre, Future Search and Appreciative Inquiry, in: FutureSearching, Nummer 17, Winter 1999/2000, S. 1-6

Whitney, Diana und David L. Cooperrider, The Appreciative Inquiry Summit: An Emerging Methodology for Whole System Positive Change, in: OD Practioner, 1/2000, S. 13-26

Whitney, Diana und Amanda Trosten-Bloom, The Liberation of Power: Exploring how Appreciative Inquiry "Powers Up the People", unpubliziertes Manuskript, 2000

Whitney, Diana und David L. Cooperrider, The Appreciative Inquiry Summit, unpubliziertes Manuskript

Whitney, Diana, Postmodern Principles and Practices for Large Scale Organizational Change and Global Cooperation, in: Organizational Development Journal, Volume 14, Number 4, Winter 1996, S. 53-68